10 Mysterious Facts about the Bermuda Triangle

 Mysterious disappearances, electronic foggy areas, an undefined stretch of land and fireballs have made the Bermuda Triangle one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of all time! Over 20 ships and around 4 aircraft have disappeared over this mysterious stretch of water. It has given rise to a number of conspiracy theories about this area that somehow also involve aliens. This land stretches from the island of Bermuda to Miami. However, there is no actual triangle, it is just named as such. Some even call it the Devil’s Triangle due to the number of people who have gone missing here! Take a mystery-laden trip through time with these facts about the Bermuda Triangle!

#10: An Electronic Fog That Makes Time Travel Quicker!

Bermuda triangle

Imagine passing through a tunnel of nothingness and reaching the other side in barely any time! This is what happened with Bruce Gernon twice in the Bermuda Triangle area. His plane was traveling through this area. Suddenly two clouds engulfed the plane creating a tunnel. All of the plane’s devices started malfunctioning, including the compass.[1]

Gernon was unable to send a message for help until the tunnel ended. When he came out, he was near the beach in Miami. However, when he made the distress call, the dispatcher claimed that he had not been visible for a while. Gernon called the tunnel “the electronic fog”. He described it in a book he wrote a book called ‘The Fog’! What’s even more mysterious is that the journey took around 30 minutes when normally it takes about 75 minutes!

#9: Gone Without A Trace!

Hale Boggs

Did you know that their is another Bermuda Triangle. This one is in Alaska. Probably one of the greatest Bermuda Triangle mysteries is the fact that there have been no remains found of either planes or humans in this area. State troopers have been unable to find even a single remain in this area filled with evergreen forests, icy peaks and desolate tundras.

When Majority Leader Hale Boggs’ airplane disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle, 50 civilian planes and 40 military aircraft were deployed to search the area.[2] Despite looking for 39 days, the search team could not uncover any human remains or debris from the plane. Scientists claim that this may be due to the Gulf being too fast and leaving no traces. But there is no definitive explanation for this as yet.

#8: When UFOs And Aliens Decided To Go Underwater!

Bermuda triangle

Imagine an entire Navy team working in collaboration with aliens and outer space creatures! This is what some claim occurs on the island of Andros. Of course the island is inside the Bermuda Triangle. The US Navy conduct experiments and tests on their sonar weapons and gear at the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) on the island.

But according to conspiracy theorists, this center does more than just research. According to rumors, aliens can also be spotted on this island. Supposedly, they are helping in the research work. How nice of them! Charles Berlitz fueled these rumors with his book, ‘The Bermuda Triangle’. In the book, he said that aliens were responsible for a flight’s disappearance. It is even claimed that Christopher Columbus saw a UFO in the Bermuda Triangle in 1492.[3] Columbus saw a bright light like a fireball moving up and down which many believe was indeed a UFO!

#7: Where Compasses Go Crazy!

bermuda triangle

Compasses point to the magnetic north and not the actual North. However, in the Bermuda Triangle, these same compasses defy their makers and point to the actual North Pole.[4]

Many theorists claim that this may be the cause for the disappearance of so many flights and ships in this area. If they do not notice the discrepancy, they land up in uncharted territory and are unable to find their way back. Even Columbus in his log allegedly claimed that his compass was giving wrong readings in the Triangle area.

#6: Hiding An Entire Kingdom And Civilization!

Hiding An Entire Kingdom And Civilization!

According to theorists, along with people and ships, an entire kingdom has also been lost in the Bermuda Triangle. A conspiracy theory claims that this area is the site of the lost ancient technologically advanced city of Atlantis.

A marine engineer and her husband uncovered granite blocks 750 meters below the sea in 2001.[5] This has dumbfounded scientists all over the world. However, some believe that the city of Atlantis once thrived here. Supposedly, the city lasted for around 11,700 years until the ice started melting and the whole city collapsed underwater. It is even claimed this lost city was fueled by crystals that are being sent out even now. This could also possibly explain the disappearance of the aircraft and ships in this area. A kingdom of its own indeed!

#5: The Abandonment Of Mary Celeste

Mary Celeste as Amazon in 1861

Imagine a ship in completely top-notch condition with all facilities available on-board suddenly being abandoned mid-journey! This is the case of the ship called Mary Celeste or the Ghost Ship. It departed in October 1872 and was rescue party members found it in December 1872 in the Bermuda Triangle area without anyone on-board.

The ship had departed from New York for a journey to Genoa, Italy for a shipment of alcohol. The captain’s family, including his 2-year-old daughter and his wife were also on-board. Along with the crew members, there was a total of 10 people on-board.[6] When rescuers discovered the ship, there were no signs of struggle or looting. Everything on the ship was intact. In fact, there was still rotten food on the plates. This mystery has puzzled everyone. Many have offered theories about the ship. The theories include piracy, earthquakes, explosions, insurance scams, murder and more. However, nothing on the boat seemed unusual. It is still a great mystery as to why would an entire crew suddenly abandon their ship in a perfectly normal conditions.

#4: Ellen Austin: Encounters Of A Strange Kind!

bermuda triangle

Taking the mysteries on this Bermuda Triangle area to another level is the Ellen Austin encounter. The Ellen Austin is a ship that regularly used to sail from London to New York and pass through the Bermuda Triangle area. After several years of bad omens, the ship set sail for its final journey on December 1880. On this journey, the ship encountered an abandoned ship near the Bermuda Triangle.

The captain sent his crew to guide the abandoned ship to New York. For two days, the two ships sailed near each other, but on the third day, an Atlantic storm separated the two.[7] When the weather cleared, the captain found the abandoned ship but there was no sign of his crew. The Ellen Austin encountered the ship somewhere along the journey again and the captain again sent his seamen to guide the ship. However, this time, he made them carry firearms as well. However, a dense fog again separated the two ships. This time, they could find neither the ship nor the seamen!

#3: The Curious Case Of The Lost Patrol

bermuda triangle

When five of the top officers of the US Navy go missing without any trace or signs of trouble, it is a cause for speculation. This is what happened with the Five Avenger Bomber planes of the US Navy that were called Flight 19 collectively. The five planes had left in December 1945 and were in constant contact with their Lieutenant. However, one day they broke contact completely without any warning or signal.

The planes had been flying over the Bermuda Triangle area. Rescue crews never found them. What is even weirder is that the rescue planes that went to search for them also disappeared.[8] The worst part is that it was in exactly the same fashion as Flight 19. The rescue team also stopped contact mid-sentence!

#2: When The Earthly Black Hole Swallowed The USS Cyclops

bermuda triangle

Out of all the Bermuda Triangle mysteries, the case of the disappearance of the USS Cyclops is probably one of the most well-known. This was the first reported incidence of any disappearance in this area. It fueled the rumors surrounding alien abduction and UFO spotting.

On March 4, 1918, people saw the USS Cyclops in the West Indies, but soon after it disappeared. What made it even stranger was that despite there being no technical issues, the captain of the ship never made any distress calls.[9] The Navy has reported that there were no storms in that area at the time that could have blown the ship off path. Despite continuous search operations, search crews were not able to find neither the crew members nor the ship. Talk about a black hole!

#1: An Ill-Fated Voyage In An Ill-Fated Area

bermuda triangle

Whether the Bermuda Triangle is just an ill-fated area or a region with a dark secret, it is definitely one of the major areas in the world for disappearances. The Bermuda Triangle has taken many ships, people and aircraft. The Marine Sulphur Queen is another sad and mysterious tale of a disappearance in this area.

While transporting molten sulfur, the tanker disappeared on February 4, 1963. There was yet again no distress call and no sign of any storms or strong winds in that area. In fact, the Captain had reported good weather in his last communication. No one knows what happened afterwards. However a search operation in the southwest of Key West, a little further from the Bermuda Triangle, did find a fog horn, the ship name board and a life jacket.[10] But this yielded no clue as to what might have happened. Despite various tests on the debris, rescuers still haven’t been able to deciphere as to why the tanker and all its members went missing.

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